R E S P E C T in the Workplace

Do you ever feel like you can’t be yourself? Maybe it’s the environment you’re in, or the people you surround yourself with. Your opinions get stifled, your actions reacted to.

It happens almost every day for me.

It’s no secret that my coworkers and I clash. I’m much happier in nature than they are, so of course we but heads. We have different values, different views. But that’s to be expected- not everyone sees things eye to eye. However, when it becomes difficult to be who you truly are, it can be discouraging.

I, for instance, get headaches whenever the air pressure changes (before it rains, when I’ve come back from being upstate, when it’s very humid, etc.). I can’t make a comment, though. At work I’m ridiculed for being so sensitive. I’m told I complain too much, that if I’m cold to bring a sweater. A statement is never just a statement.

My eating habits get commented on. They say I eat all day, that I eat a lot of healthy foods when I eat an occasional salad or that I always eat junk food. What they don’t realize is that comments like that can be discouraging for someone recovering from an eating disorder (something I’ve made them aware of). I shouldn’t have to try to hide when and what I eat at work.

I’ve also been told that my holiday isn’t as important because “the majority rules” at my place of business. While they may have been joking, it’s still disheartening to hear that you’re undervalued.

Wouldn’t it be easier (and more productive) if we all respected each other in the workplace? There have been countless studies done that come to this conclusion. It is very possible to get along with people who view things differently than you do. It just takes kindness and respect.

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